Thursday, September 18, 2008


rated PG13


Hancock is drunk, lazy, spontaneous and destructive. He also happens to be a superhero.

Derided by the public when several incidents involving his “heroism” go dangerously and expensively wrong, he has a severe image problem. An altruistic PR man proposes to manage Hancock’s public appearances, despite objections from his wife. During some mea culpa time in jail, Hancock is called once again to fight crime.

But there’s more to his story than he ever knew.

This fun piece of summer candy is a blast to watch, a crowd-pleaser, and surprisingly deep and emotional. There is some violence, but for the most part it’s superhero-fantasy stuff. And kudos to the storytellers for making the first comic book movie where the superheroics have real-world consequences.

My only real complaint is the constant uttering of a specific swear word. Unfortunately, by the time the credits roll it will surely have burrowed into your impressionable child's brain.

RECOMMENDED (Not for little kids. Check the rating.)

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