Saturday, May 8, 2010



rated PG13

2008's IRON MAN took everybody by surprise.

One of Marvel Comics' second-string heroes,
Tony Stark was known for drinking problems, womanizing, and a heart disorder. Not exactly what you would put on a Happy Meal. But director Jon Favreau and actor Robert Downey Jr. pulled it off, and the origin story ended with Stark ditching his prepared statement and uttering the immortal line "I am Iron Man."

Now Tony's facing heat from the U.S. government over the ownership of the Iron Man "weapon." His company is set to launch new innovations at the legendary Stark Expo. And his relationship with Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) has gotten a lot more complicated. Oh, and one more thing. His arc-reactor heart is having an unintentional side effect. It's killing him.

Stark's got new toys (an Iron Man transforming suitcase), a "new" friend War Machine (Don Cheadle, taking the place of Terence Howard), and a new relationship with Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury. Add to the mix a sleazy weapons contractor (Sam Rockwell), a sexy, tough assistant (Scarlett Johannsen), and an enemy Russian physicist (Mickey Rourke), and you've got what could be a senses-overload summer sequel.

Thankfully, IRON MAN 2 doesn't wallow in the usual max-the-studio's-credit-card bloat that bogs down so many other follow-up films. Sure, you've got big guns, fast cars, hot girls, and lots of explosions. But Favreau hits his stride here, as everyone is on screen for just enough time to keep the story moving (save for scenery-chewing Rockwell, but he must like wearing those 80's-inspired three-piece suits). And just like the first film, a decidedly pro-military, pro-capitalist, individualist theme (which of course ticks off all the liberal critics who are giving this movie mixed reviews).

So finally, we the audience get what we paid our hard-earned money for:
a great summer movie. Go see it.


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